Most Effective Ways You Can Approach Muslim Customers
Just like any other customer… although, there are a few things to consider. Who do you trust more - A large company pushing an ad or a recommendation from someone your know? My money is on a recommendation from someone you know, that’s because advertising is the least trusted source of information about brands and services among consumers, according to a recent report from Kantar Media.
There is an amazing channel of approach for brands, through influencers. With the right influencer selection and briefing, a product can be introduced and advertised to potential Muslim buyers better than anything else.
If done correctly, it’s fluid, integrated and authentic for the customer and a great way to approach a customer.
Key Holidays
There are a handful of holidays you can message around to first warm up the audience and then push a call to action - our 2023 Muslim Marketing Calendar will help do just that. Depending on your business you can leverage each holiday or time of the year differently for instance:
If you would like our 2023 Muslim Marketing Calendar, just drop me a line at
This level of genuine research and approach goes a long way for consumers. Instead of generic messaging, integrating your brand and product with influencers and an authentic message like the ones above will result in significantly better engagement and outcomes.
Ultimately you want to develop a real and genuine relationship with your consumers - the best way to do that is to talk to them directly. Working with influencers, you get an early piggyback from the connection the influencers already have with their audience (your customers).
This just means, that when you approach a customer through an influencer you already have the social proofing that your potential buyer listens to and acknowledges. More than anything consumers want to be spoken to, they want their pain points addressed - who better than a brand that can connect on such a personal level?
It won't always work as expected, and when it comes to topics like belief, religion and culture your margin for error is much smaller - this is why it's important to get the help of people who understand the market you’re looking to target and the messaging you plan to deploy. Don’t be afraid to try and engage though, it is better to fall short trying than to stay behind for not trying.